Execute AI for Success in Retail The Parker Avery Group2025-03-04T07:31:01-05:00January 17, 2025|AI, Amanda Astrologo, Artificial Intelligence, Big Show, Clay Parnell, Dan Wittner, Events, National Retail Federation, NRF, Transformation|
EI Hypercube Redefines Retail Success The Parker Avery Group2025-03-06T10:51:42-05:00December 18, 2024|Analytics, Demand Forecasting, Enterprise Intelligence, Hypercube, Sam Iosevich|
How Process Became a Retailer’s Bridge to Trust The Parker Avery Group2025-03-10T14:52:44-04:00November 19, 2024|Business Process Design, Business Process Improvement, Change Management, Clients, Kathi Toll, Organizational Design, Robert Kaufman, Transformation|
Successful Retail Software Selection The Parker Avery Group2025-03-18T22:04:46-04:00September 29, 2024|Amanda Astrologo, Retail, Software, System Assessment, System Selection, Technology|
How to Stop Managing Change and Start Leading Successful Retail Transformation The Parker Avery Group2024-10-16T11:59:51-04:00September 11, 2024|Carrie Habel, Change Management, Kathi Toll, Newsletter, Retail Advisor, Transformation|
Modernizing Retail Merchandising The Parker Avery Group2025-02-20T18:33:15-05:00September 3, 2024|Capabilities, Clay Parnell, Clients, Marty Anderson, Merchandising, Roadmap, Transformation|
Demystifying the Unified Demand Signal The Parker Avery Group2025-03-06T10:58:08-05:00May 29, 2024|Agility, Amanda Astrologo, Analytics, Demand Forecasting, Enterprise Intelligence, Forecasting, Sam Iosevich|
Smarter Price Optimization The Parker Avery Group2025-03-28T16:05:58-04:00February 22, 2024|Analytics, Enterprise Intelligence, Price Optimization, Pricing, Pricing & Promotions, Sam Iosevich|
How to Overcome the AI Hype and Drive Retail Collaboration The Parker Avery Group2025-03-06T10:33:13-05:00May 11, 2023|Analytics, Capabilities, Clay Parnell, Newsletter, Retail, Retail Advisor, Technology|
Price Optimization: Margin Rate vs. Margin Dollars The Parker Avery Group2025-03-28T16:07:29-04:00February 10, 2023|Dmitry Magas, Marty Anderson, Price Management, Price Optimization, Pricing, Pricing & Promotions|