Meredith Chismer

Management Consultant

Anna Kenney

Meredith channels her innate creativity into her professional roles to develop original content and deliver fresh, impactful perspectives.

With three years of dedicated work in professional services and marketing, Meredith Chismer continuously seeks to expand her skillset and responsibilities, consistently refining her contributions. The central roles in her career thus far focus on supporting Parker Avery’s retail and CPG client projects, spearheading marketing initiatives, and crafting compelling digital content. These responsibilities are complemented by her adeptness in providing project management support. Meredith’s notable professional accomplishments include developing learning/training program content for client initiatives, converting The Parker Avery Group’s Change Academy into interactive learning models, creating internal and external assets for the firm’s marketing purposes, and conducting extensive marketing research and analyses. Meredith is a graduate of John Carroll University and has furthered her education by earning her MBA from the same institution. Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, she now lives in Cleveland, Ohio where she enjoys reading, hiking, and exploring new places in the city with friends.

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